Friday, May 4, 2012

Pumpkin Pie Meets Sweet Potato French Toast (VEGAN)

So.....lately I have been SO busy with work and school that I've been eating the same things over 

and over

and over....

You get the picture. Its been something like toast with peanut butter for breakfast, salad for lunch, and stir fry for dinner. With a few cups of coffee added throughout the day. BORING!!!

So this morning I decided I was going to make something healthy, yummy, and new for breakfast. 

Of course I got a little distracted by baby boo first. We had to do his 7 month pictures and since tomorrow is cinco de mayo, I figured we should be festive  :)

Feliz Cinco de Mayo!!!!
( How do you like the awesome pajamas, zero makeup, and crazy hair? This is what I look like unless its after 12 PM or its Sunday morning. Truth)

Ok, back to the French Toast....

Confession, the recipe calls for a sweet potato and all I had was some of Micah's sweet potato baby food. 

Hey, don't judge. You do what you gotta do for french toast right? 

Enough's enough, here it the recipe...

Pumpkin Pie Meets Sweet Potato French Toast (Vegan)
adapted from The Diva Dish

1 cooked sweet potato (or in my case, 2 jars of sweet potato baby food)

1 1/2 cup Almond Milk (or any other dairy free milk. Or dairy filled if you wish! But then it wouldn't be vegan...)

1 tsp. vanilla 

2 tsp. Pumpkin Pie Spice

(I highly recommend Ezekiel Bread. Its uber healthy AND when I tried to use Nature's own I ended up with a yummy but soggy mess. Just make sure its a thick bread. No flimsy 35 calorie bread peeps!)

1. Cook the sweet potato (microwave it, bake it, whatever! Just cook it). After its cooked, drop it (without skin of course) into a blender with all of the other ingredients (except bread) and blend until like a puree. 

2. Empty puree into a bowl 

3.Lightly coat (DO NOT SOAK) bread in the bowl and then place on a sizzly, buttered griddle (pan) for 2-3 minutes on each side or until golden brown.
* side note: if you soak the bread, you will end up with a soggy mess. Just dont' do it. :)

3. Add a little powdered sugar, dairy free butter, maple syrup (or whatever toppings you desire) and devour.

4. Lick the plate. 

You can omit step 4. I didn't. I literally licked the plate clean when I was finished...

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